The Workouts!!!

Here are some of the workouts that we do in our classes.  Some require weights, some don't.  Improvise with what you have.  Maybe 2 cans for bicep curls, use resistance bands, use a chair instead of a bench.  If you are just starting out, don't do the entire workout, modify as needed.

The 600 Rep workout is one of my favorites.  You have 10 exercises @ 30 reps each and you repeat a total of 2 times to hit the 600.  Only allow yourself to recover for 2 minutes after the first time through and then again at the end.

Get dressed, put on some music and even grab your kids (if you have young kids like I do, they will love doing this workout with you).  Don't forget to spend about 8-10 minutes warming up, getting the heart rate up, stretching a bit...which you should do before any workout.  Don't forget to cool down and stretch @ the end too.

10 Push Ups
-   50 Squat Thrust w/ Single Arm High Pull
-   50 Sit Ups w/ Alternate Elbow to Knee
10 Dive Bomber Push Ups
-   50 Mountain Climbers
-   50 Side Lunges w/ In-Out Bicep Curl
10 Tricep Push Ups
-   50 Squat Thrusts/½ Burpees
-   25 Skull Crushers w/ Leg Extensions
-   25 Dumb Bell Pull Over w/ Glut Bridge/Extension
10 Tripod Push Ups (switch legs half way)
-   50 Sumo Squats w/ Lateral Raise
-   50 Side Plank Raise (switch sides half way)
10 Incline Push Ups
-   50 Bench Jumps
-   25 Army Crawls
-   25 V-Ups
10 Spider Man Push Ups
-   50 Chest Press w/ Glut Bridge
-   50 Weighted Step Ups
10 Plank Walks
-   50 Frog Burpees
-   50 Second Plank Hold
10 Army Crawls

Tabata WorkouT
 20/10 – 8 Rounds for each Exercise
(1) Squats
(2) Pushups
(3) Sit Ups
(4) Squat Thrusts
(5) KB Swings  

Whole Lotta Sit Ups
-      3 Minutes Jump Rope
-      25 Squats
-      20 Push Ups
-      25 V-Ups (fingers to toes/fingers to knees; modification: hundreds)
-      20 Inch Worms

PART ONE – 2-3 Rounds (do 3 if you have time)
-      50 Sit Ups
-      50 Jump Rope Revolutions
-      50 Sit Ups
-      50 Walking Lunges (heavy dumb bells)
-      50 Sit Ups
-      50 Burpees (w/pushups)
-      50 Sit Ups

THE WORKOUT (from 1/18/12)

Warm up: 30 seconds of each, Repeat 5x
-  Squat Thrusts
-  Boat Hold
-  Lunge Switch Jumps/Steps
-  Plank Walk

Reps: 22-18-14-10-6-2
Med-Heavy Weights (drop to lighter weights as needed)
-  Sumo Squat/Dead Lift w/ Upright Row
-  Overhead Press
-  Goblet Squats w/ heel raise (heavy single weight)
-  Pushups
-  Bent Over Row
-  Dumb Bell Glut Bridge
-  Chest Flies
-  V-Ups
-  Lunge w/ DB Rotation
-  Staggered Stance Shoulder Squat

THE WORKOUT (from 1/13/12)

90/15 – Repeat 2xs (should be done w/ heavy weights to failure) (14 minutes)
1. Upright Row w/ Sumo Squat
2. Back Lunges w/ Core Rotation
3. Circles in Sumo Squat Stance (change direction on 2nd round)
4. Squat with Single Weight Shoulder Press (switch hands on 2nd round)

60/10 – Repeat 2xs (9:20 minutes)
1. Toe Taps on BOSU
2. Mountain Climbers on BOSU
3. BOSU Squat Thrusts
4. BOSU Tricep Dips

30/10 – Repeat 2x (5:20 minutes)
1. Push up Knee In
2. Weighted Russian Twists
3. Pop Ups
4. Side Plank Raise (switch side on 2nd round)

20/10 – Repeat 2xs (4 minutes)
1. Samurai Squat Jumps
2. Reptile Pushups
3. Lunge Switch Jumps
4. BOSU Straddle Jumps

Tabata Timer Workout (from 1/11/12)
*Spend at least 8 minutes for Warm Up
60/15 - Round One – Repeat 3xs
 (1)   Bench Jumps
(2)    Clean – Squat – Press
(3)    Lunge back ball bounce
(4)    ½ Burpee
(5)    Straight Arm Raise – front & side alternating
(6)    Forward Lunge w/ Bi-Curl alternating w/ back runner’s Lunge w/ Row (2x once on each side)

30/15 - Round Two – Repeat 3xs
 (1)   Plank Walk Up/Down
(2)    Single leg Squat Ball Bounce (2x once on each leg)
(3)    V-Ups
(4)    Surfer Jumps
(5)    Plank Jacks
(6)    Single Arm Swings (each side)

20/10 - Round Three – Repeat 3x
1. Tuck Jumps
2. Dynamic Pushup (burpee without standing up)
3. Tricep Dips
4. Incline Pushups
5. Speed Skater – 2xso once each leg

*Stretch for 5 minutes

THE WORKOUT (from 1/9/12)
Fit Test – 50/10 (write down numbers)
1.                      Squat Jumps
2.                      Push Ups
3.                      Burpees
4.                      High Knees
5.                      Switch Lunge Jumps
6.                      Tuck Jumps
7.                      Situps
20 Reps of Everything – Including each side:
1.                      Single Leg Deadlift (no weights)
2.                      Back Lunge w/ Opposite Arm Row
3.                      V-Ups
4.                      Alternating Arm Shoulder Press w/ Lunge
5.                      Squat Thrust
6.                      In-Out Bicep Curls w/ Lunge
7.                      Side Plank Raise
8.                      Mountain Climbers
9.                      Side Lunge w/ Tricep Kickback
10.             Dumbbell Chop
11.             Glute Activation Lunge w/ Core Rotation
90 Seconds for Each:
1.                      Plank Walk Up
2.                      Wall Squat (high low)
3.                      Plank w/ Alt Knee In/Out
4.                      Single Leg Wall Squat (alt every 15 seconds)
5.                      Army Crawl
6.                      Plank w/ Leg Extended Up

The Workout

1. Jump Lunges
2. Dive Bomber Pushups (make it harder by taking opposite knee to opposite elbow when you come back to the start).
3. Hindu Squats
4. Mountain Climbers
5. V-Ups
6. Single leg Squat Jumps (if you can't do single, do both, if single 15 on each side)
7. 3 Series Pushups (wide hands/narrow feet, medium width both, narrow hands/wide feet - alt all 3 don't do 10 of each in a row)
8. Side Plank with Knee Crunch (15 on each side)
9. PopUps
10. Reverse Plank with Glut Lift (keep core enganged and don't let the butt hit the floor).



Warm Up to Progressions with equipment
Floor – bench – BOSU (unless specified)
Squats – 3 sets, rest for 30 in between each
-          Floor w/ heavy weights – 25
-          Bench squat jumps – 20
-          BOSU Tuck Jumps – 15

-          Floor @ 10
-          Burpies @ 15
-          BOSU burpies @ 20

Chest Press/Flies
-          Chest Press – 30
-          Chest Flies – 20
-          Alternating – 30

Lunges Patterns
-          Forward/back – 20
-          Runner’s lunge with low row/posterior fly
-          Side lunge w/ side row
-          Diagonal Lunge w/ reach (lighter weights)
-          Diagonal Lunge low reach

Shoulder Series (inclu sumo squat & lunge)
-          90 degree raise
-          Side/front raise alternating
-          5 exercise patterns

Ab/Plank series
-          Plank hold
-          Side plank w/ diagonal rotation
-          Plank w/ arm raise
-          Side plank with hip raise
-          Fifer

50-40-30-20-10 Workout from 1/6 & 1/9

-      For each set, do the number of reps specified for each exercise and then rest for 90 seconds before starting the next set.
-      If you are new to working out/to the class, adjust the # of reps, exercises or ROM
50 Reps – Squat Jumps
50 Reps – High Knees

50 Reps - Frog Burpies
40 Reps – Back Runner’s Lunge w/ Opposite Arm Crossover

40 Reps – Pushups

40 Reps – Sumo Squat w/ Front Arm Raise Pour
30 Reps – Single Arm Swing w/ Opposite Leg Raise
30 Reps – Sit up w/Opposite Elbow to Knee

30 Reps - Switch Leg Press Up
20 Reps – Army Crawl (10 each side)

20 Reps – ½ Burpies
20 Reps – Sit ups w/ weighted bar, pushup, roll down

10 Reps – Dive Bomber Pushups
10 Reps – Pop Ups

10 Reps – Tricep Pushups
REST 90 Seconds
REST 90 Seconds
REST 90 Seconds


HIIT Workout from 1/7/12

As promised, here is the workout we did yesterday morning. Enjoy the ride!

Warm Up - 7 minutes
Ride w/ HR @ 80% of MHR - 4 minutes

HIIT Intervals
FR - 30/30 - 3xs
WFR - 30/30 - 3xs
SI - 30/30 - 3xs
FR - 60/60 - 3x
WFR - 60/60 - 3x

Active Recovery w/ Pyramid Climb for 6 songs - SI, MLH, MH, MHH, HH, MHH, MH, ML, SI

Finish w/ Flat Road Stretch - 4 minutes