Monday, February 20, 2012

Workouts & The Schedule

Happy President's Day Everyone!

Hopefully everyone is enjoying the long weekend with family and friends.  My weekend has been filled with fun family time...a really treat when our scheudule is usually jam packed with running all of the errands that we can't get done during the week.

This week's workouts are going to focus on strength the first part of the week, so get ready to pick up the heavier weights, slow down the pace and work on getting that form right.  I know that I often sound like a broken record, reminding folks to watch the alignment, track the knee over the ankle, to engage the core, square the shoulders...sometimes it sounds like that Charlie Brown adult voice that we used to laugh at as kids, but I promise you, those reminders are to keep you all safe, so you can keep on working on those goals to be the fittest, healthiest you that you want to be.

Everyone seemed to lack the track style warm up we did a few weeks ago, so we will likely bring that back on Friday for the workout and then ramp it up with some high rep, high intensity drills.

I will be posting some new recipes later this week as we did some testing in the kitchen, coming up with spicy pork chops, the Paleo candy bar, perfecting simmered greens, spicing up baked kale, crafting fruit only desserts and finally perfecting cauliflower rice.

With the holiday week, my schedule has changed up a bit, so if you are trying to get to a class, here is the schedule:

Marin JCC: Wednesday (Total Body) & Friday (Cycle Strength)
SFBC: Tuesday (Kick It)
Marin Dojo: Thursday (this is our small group training on skills)
JCCSF: Wednesday & Friday ~ I will be posting the workouts from the past few weeks shortly

If you can't get to a class, be sure to pull one of the workouts from the workout page.  You don't have to make it a long workout, just make it really intense.  Remember, whatever you choose to do, commit to your workout.

Enjoy the day!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Teaching Schedule

Wow ~ sometimes time just gets completely away from me.  I had committed to posting a few times a week and that hasn't been happening.  My class schedule is starting to evolve and expand a bit, so here it is for the upcoming week:

7:45(am) B.A.S.E. Workout6(am) - Total Body (Marin JCC)6(am) - Cycle (Marin JCC)6(am) - Total Body (Marin JCC)9(am) Body Sculpt (Dojo)6(am) - Cycle Strength (Marin JCC)Not Teaching
 4(pm) - S&S (JCCSF)5:30(pm) - Kick It (SFBC)4(pm) - S&S (JCCSF) 4(pm) TBC (JCCSF) 

The Sunday workouts are open to anyone who wants to join us, but is capped at 8 people.  Email me if you are interested in joining us.  Plan to arrive @ 7:30(am) to warm up/stretch with the full blown workout starting at 7:45(am) until 8:30(am).

For the time being, I will be subbing out my Saturday morning spin classes at the Marin JCC so I can spend some time focusing on my own workouts and programming.  Be on the lookout for changes coming to the above schedule soon. 

Starting in March, I will be added to the morning schedule at the SF Bay Club.  More details once that schedule is solid.  In March the Thursday class @ The  Dojo in San Anselmo will shift to 8:30(am) and will be a 45 minute strength workout. 

Also, we are changing the name of the 4(pm) classes at the JCCSF to better mirror the class and set it apart from similarly named classes.  Don't worry, the workouts will be the same, just the workouts will change. 

Looking forward to seeing you all in class soon!

~ Amy