Tuesday, December 20, 2011

December promises....

I downloaded this picture about a month ago as a reminder to stay on track with my workouts and clean eating during the holidays.  Holiday parties, holiday baking, less sleep, more of everything...except exercise can take its toll.  I keep this picture to remember why I get up every morning, why I try to make healthy choices and why I need to keep on pushing.  Those rock hard abs are not a gift, they come from hard work, sweat and a lot of dedication. 

December is almost over, but think about the promises you want to make to yourself, the goals that you want to set for 2012.  Write them down.  Set a time frame to hit your goal.  Keep a food diary.  Keep a workout diary.  Share them with a friend; friends can hold you accountable ~ hold yourself accountable!
Come take a class with me...I will definitely hold you accountable.

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